Looking to create meaningful word work opportunities for your students? Check out this editable and digital flower word building activity, perfect for your young learners.
Digital Flower Word Building Activity
Word work is a huge part of literacy instruction in the elementary grades. It’s essential in helping students work on key phonics skills and expand their vocabularies. Hands-on word work activities are great, but it’s not always possible to have hands-on word building mats and manipulatives available depending on your learning situation or the number of students in your class.
This digital flower word building activity is the perfect way for your students to practice word work skills digitally. No matter where students are practicing, this activity will deliver meaningful learning opportunities.
This digital activity is editable, making it simple for teachers to prep ahead of time using any word lists they’d like. You can practice sight words, color words, number words, spelling words, CVC words, vocabulary words, seasonal words, and more.
With such a variety of words you can practice, this literacy activity can be used with several elementary grade levels from Pre-K to 3rd grade.
Setting Up the Flower Word Building Activity in Google Slides
Students may use Google Slides™ to do this activity.
The download file includes a detailed guide with instructions and pictures on how to use this activity with you students, but it is quite simple to do.
If you are an instructor or teacher, you will want to copy the Google Slides assignment to your Google Drive and save it as a master copy.
Make sure that you click the dropdown next to the attachment. Pick the “Make a copy for each student” option.
Setting Up The Digital Flower Activity in Seesaw
Students can also use this activity in Seesaw, if you would like.
You will click the Seesaw specific link in the download file. When you arrive at the activity, you will need to click the “Save Activity” button. Then you will assign the activity to your students.
Flower-Themed Word Work
As students practice literacy and spelling skills with this word work activity, they’ll learn more about spelling and sound patterns and word families. This will help them grow their confidence and fluency as readers and writers.
This interactive word building activity gives students the opportunity to work with words in multiple ways. They’ll use several learning styles all in one activity. Students will read, type, and build the word with digital flower letter tiles, giving them 3 ways to work with each word.
They’ll practice reading the word and will also be able to manipulate the letters and sounds to build each word. By dragging and dropping each letter, they still get to practice in a hands-on way. Plus, by typing the word, they get to practice keyboarding skills.
To use this flower word building activity for Google Slides and Seesaw, students will read the word in the “Read It” box. Then they’ll build the word in the grass by dragging and dropping the correct flower letter tiles. Lastly, they’ll type the word in the “Type It” box. The digital flower letter tiles are in alphabetical order, so students can use their alphabet knowledge to find the letters they need to build each word correctly. There are 18 slides in all for students to practice with.
Ideas for Differentiation
This flower word building activity is easy to use with any set of words you want your students to practice. Since it’s so easy to plug in different sets of words, it’s a great activity to use to differentiate instruction for your students. Each student can be working on words at their level and practice the skills they need to most.
Even though each student or small group of students can work on their own words, the activity is the same for all students. Therefore, you only need to explain one set of directions and all students will feel included. As the skills of your students grow and develop, they can move on to new word lists.
This flower word building activity would be a great whole group practice activity as you introduce a new skill. You can also add this to your literacy centers or word work station to gain more practice with the skill.
As your students gain confidence with the directions, this activity becomes a great option for independent practice, early finisher activities, or even morning work.
If you have virtual students, this activity is easy to assign through any digital learning platform.
Ideas for Extension
If you need to extend this activity to challenge students learning at a higher level, there are many options for doing that as well, such as:
- Complete each slide and write the word on a whiteboard.
- Complete each slide and write a sentence using the word on a whiteboard.
- Finish all slides and write the words in alphabetical order on a whiteboard.
- Write a paragraph or story using all of the words.
- Use letter manipulatives or flower mini erasers to build each word.
Your students are going to have a blast practicing their word work skills all spring long with this editable and digital flower word building activity. They’ll be mastering phonics skills and adding words to their vocabularies in no time!
Click the button below to get the editable Digital Flower Word Building activity for Google Slides and Seesaw.
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